Dear Community Leader:
On behalf of the Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL), I am excited to announce that CAPAL will award three (3) scholarships to outstanding Asian Pacific American (APA) students committed to public service and community action. We look forward to applicants from your organization and ask that you please circulate this opportunity to your membership as well as your campus APA community at large.
Awarded annually since 1992, CAPAL's scholarships have enabled promising students with leadership potential to explore public service and learn how to influence public policy that affects our communities. CAPAL Scholars are awarded $2,000 scholarships to support their successful completion of an internship in Washington, DC, as well as their development of a Community Action Plan.
CAPAL is a non-profit, non-partisan, educational organization that was founded in 1989 by APA professionals in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Its mission is to promote Asian Pacific American interests and success in public sector careers, to provide information and education on policy issues affecting the APA community, and to serve the APA community at large.
We would appreciate your assistance with informing undergraduate and graduate students of this opportunity to receive financial assistance to complete an internship in our nation's capital during the summer of 2007. Please retain this information in your files, as this is an annual program.
Application and scholarship requirements are attached. For more details or to download the application, please visit our website at or email questions to .
The application deadline is April 1, 2007.
Thank you for your efforts and assistance.
Jocelyn Yeh
Chair, CAPAL Scholarship Committee
CAPAL | Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership
P.O. Box 65073 | Washington, DC 20035
1.877.892.5427 | |
On behalf of the Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership (CAPAL), I am excited to announce that CAPAL will award three (3) scholarships to outstanding Asian Pacific American (APA) students committed to public service and community action. We look forward to applicants from your organization and ask that you please circulate this opportunity to your membership as well as your campus APA community at large.
Awarded annually since 1992, CAPAL's scholarships have enabled promising students with leadership potential to explore public service and learn how to influence public policy that affects our communities. CAPAL Scholars are awarded $2,000 scholarships to support their successful completion of an internship in Washington, DC, as well as their development of a Community Action Plan.
CAPAL is a non-profit, non-partisan, educational organization that was founded in 1989 by APA professionals in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Its mission is to promote Asian Pacific American interests and success in public sector careers, to provide information and education on policy issues affecting the APA community, and to serve the APA community at large.
We would appreciate your assistance with informing undergraduate and graduate students of this opportunity to receive financial assistance to complete an internship in our nation's capital during the summer of 2007. Please retain this information in your files, as this is an annual program.
Application and scholarship requirements are attached. For more details or to download the application, please visit our website at or email questions to .
The application deadline is April 1, 2007.
Thank you for your efforts and assistance.
Jocelyn Yeh
Chair, CAPAL Scholarship Committee
CAPAL | Conference on Asian Pacific American Leadership
P.O. Box 65073 | Washington, DC 20035
1.877.892.5427 | |